I wrote The Blog Buffet earlier this summer, and got an overwhelming response. Overwhelming in two ways… 1. Many of my friends and/ or family told me that they enjoyed reading it. I’ve heard that before about some of my posts (and have heard only crickets on most), but this time it was cool because of the people who said something to me, maybe 2 of them talked about the same topic. 2. It was much more fun to write. Sit down, think of something, type about it, and move on. The goal wasn’t to concoct a good storyline like many of the others, it was just to ramble on in a therapeutic kind of way. I got more joy out of it, and apparently, so did the other people that have too much spare time like myself that actually read the whole thing.
1. The Lebracle- I still need more information. I do not look down upon anyone that has formed a strong opinion on Lebron for “the decision.” I see both sides, and could argue with or against both. When I am asked what I think, I honestly am nearly speechless. I want to hate him for leaving the Cavs and the city, but I also understand some of the reasons. I want to dog on him for joining forces with one of the other alpha dogs in the league, but also think it is somewhat cool that these guys did this. I want to disown Dan Gilbert for “the letter,” but strangely can see how it was the greatest move he could make at the time, but also suicidal for the Cavs. My bottom line is that I’m left feeling as though something else will come out about the whole situation. I am not convinced that Lebron would truly leave JUST to play with his buddies and chase a championship. I believe that it was always in the back of his mind, behind the idea of staying in Cleveland. Then, when whatever tipping point happened, it gave him a reason to justify leaving. The Delonte and Gloria thing is out there, there’s too simple of a fix there- trade Delonte. I can’t convince myself that Lebron wouldn’t talk to Dan Gilbert during June, or wouldn’t even give Tom Izzo 30 seconds of his time, it’s just all too fishy for me. I could go on and on, but for now, I’m so baffled that I can’t even take a side.
2. Reading- I’ve always hated to read books. I’ll read articles online, facebook, twitter, the paper, and emails all day, but books haven’t been in my vocabulary. This summer I finished “The Book of Basketball” on June 3 (700 pages, I started it Nov. 30 2009). It was a collection of 2 pages stories/ articles, so I could take my time, and stop and start whenever. Perfect. I’ve since finished another book “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell. Many of my friends suggested the book to me, and I read his columns online, so I tried it out. It was fascinating, and I’d recommend it to anyone. So fascinating, in fact, that I started another of his books “The Tipping Point” and am really enjoying it. You didn’t think I used “tipping point” in the first paragraph off the top of my head did you?
3. Early riser- Over the past two years, maybe a bit less, I have discovered the joy in getting up early. I can’t say I’ve always been a morning person, but now I am a diehard fan. As Brett Rozanczyk and I have discussed on many occasions, there is a certain undefined unexplainable value to being up before other people. Sleeping in, is now 8:30 at the latest… I never would’ve thought I’d ever say that.
4. Soccer- The World Cup was awesome! I was glued to the T.V. for as many games as I could be. As I said in an email to a few friends this morning, I am admittedly the first person to start conversations that make fun of soccer. I compared it to a friend that you go out with and make fun of the whole time, only because it is so easy to make fun of that friend, and everyone laughs and has a great time. And that friend is a great sport about it, continues to be who he is, joins in on the making fun, and in the end you guys are still great friends. That’s how I am with soccer. I love to poke fun at the sport and its diehards. It has some flaws, and if you can appreciate the flaws, you realize that it really is an enjoyable game deep down.
5. Soccer cont’d- I don’t think I’ll never really become a diehard. Soccer could never surpass football or basketball. One of the main things, I think, that keeps me and others, from becoming more interested, is the topic of wanting to see the best. Many sports radio hosts talk about how Americans want the best, they appreciate greatness for what it is. I couldn’t agree more. I don’t do the MLS because I know going into it that it isn’t the best. I would enjoy knowing more about the English Premier League, but it doesn’t hit home enough to allow me to enjoy. In The Sports Guys’ column today he wrote that he would love to see one of the premier league teams invest in the top American players and kind of become “America’s Team” of the premier league. It would still have international players on it, but at least for me, if a bunch of the best American players were on one team, I would be able to build more of an interest. I hope this happens.
6. The damn oil spill- So we got it capped after a gozillion days, and it’s only a temporary fix? And now there’s another leak? And….. What the hell is going on? Really?
7. Never seen this before- Every year something happens and we immediately say it’s the worst ever, or best ever, and we’ve never seen this before. For example, I continue to feel as though this is the hottest summer I can remember. I go around saying “this is the worst we’ve ever had.” Is it? The “never before” or “can remember” type comments extend to many things, and I’m entertained to think about how generational this stuff is. Older folks will always say stuff was better or worse in their day. Middle aged folks will do the same about a few years after that, and kids today will talk up these next few years as the worst or best something when they are 100. That’s it, just a thought.
8. Wireless cable- I realize wireless and cable are complete opposite terms, but why can I take my laptop out on my patio and have endless communication with anything I want in the world, but can’t plop my big screen out by my firepit and watch Sportscenter in HD. And you think we’ve been to the moon? HA!
9. Lists- I live by lists. I’m always making a list of things to do, whether it’s got to be done today, tomorrow, or just anytime. Unfortunately, I’ve been off of school since June 10, and many of the things on the list on June 10, are still on the list. It’s amazing how not having a schedule and more free time, does not directly lead to getting more accomplished.
10. Life changes- I love thinking about where I’m at today, and where I may have thought I would be a this time 10 years ago. Make sense? As I sat in high school planning my future, or laid in bed at night thinking who I’d keep contact with, where I’d live, or what I’d think about who, what, or where, I enjoy the thought of how wrong I was, and even more, how right I thought I’d be. (I typed that, and had to re-read it for clarification. Twice… whatever) Anyway, I cannot look back and think of much I would change, and that makes me happy.
Until next time,