Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Worst IV

1. Tying someone else's shoe
2. People
3. Vet bills
4. The WNBA
5. Not knowing

Until next time,

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Worst III

** in no particular order, I started a series of "The Worst" posts. The things listed are, for one reason or another, in fact, the worst. I could name many, but I'll choose to dispense them 5 at a time.**

1. Annoying laughs
2. Flakiness
3. Co-Pays
4. Social awkwardness
5. Poor people playing the lottery

Until next time,

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Worst II

1. Inefficiency
2. Poor service
3. Owing
4. Slow drivers
5. Fees

Until next time,

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Worst.. 5 at a time

_______ is/ are the worst.

1. Smoking
2. Parents
3. Bad hygiene
4. Mulch
5. Birthdays

** in no particular order, I'm starting a series of "The Worst" posts. The things listed are, for one reason or another, in fact, the worst. I could name many, but I'll choose to dispense them 5 at a time.**

Until next time,